Professionalism and satisfaction is our goal.

we are extremely efficient and knowledgeable in our field. We make it our goal to
assist you with each step of your claims process

Flooring Inspections

Floor Failures are going to occur, even more so in today’s building environment. Building scheduled have ramped up, so there will be decisions made that will effect the outcome of the flooring installation. These decisions can perpetuate floor failures. When a floor failure occurs, it can become very costly for the architect, contractor, flooring professional or end-user.

DNA Floor Surgeons is a professional firm which provides an unbiased forensic analysis of flooring failures. Our firm is built the old-fashioned way, with trust, honesty, and integrity. DNA Floor Surgeons expertise is in all facets of flooring from hardwood, tile, stone, vinyl products, and carpet, to applied coatings and finishes. Our knowledge of physics, applied science, and available resources make DNA Floor Surgeons one of the most qualified firms in the flooring industry.